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VPAX command

This command will output a .vpax file based for the selected tabular model




<OutputFile>The path and name of the file to which the VPAX data will be written


-h, --helpdisplays the help for the VPAX command
-s, --server <SERVER>the name of the server to connect to
-d, --database <DATABASE>The name of the tabular database to export from
-u, --userid <USERID>The username to use for authentication (see Authentication for more details)
-p, --password <PASSWORD>The password to use for authentication (see Authentication for more details)
-c, --connectionstring <CONNECTIONSTRING>The connection string for the data source
-t, --excludeTomSetting this flag will exclude a .bim file inside the vpax file (which just contains additional metadata)
-r, --donotreadstatsfromdataSetting this flag will prevent the standard distinctcount queries that read the statistics from the data model
-q, --readstatsfromdirectquerySetting this flag will force the execution of distinctcount queries that read the statistics from the data model (which is normally suppressed for Direct Query models)
-b, --StatsColumnBatchSize <VALUE>The number of columns to include in each batch of the column statistics queries


The following example exports to a file called myquery.xlsx in the c:\temp folder and connects as the user running the command

dscmd.exe vpax c:\temp\export\model.vpax -s localhost\tabular -d "Adventure Works"
dscmd.exe vpax c:\temp\export\model.vpax -c "Data Source=localhost\tabular;Initial Catalog=Adventure Works"